Wednesday, April 19, 2023

2008 Topps Chrome David Tyree Chase

I have many searches on eBay, some are for higher end material, some for in-between and some that many people don't think twice about.

David Tyree fits that final part.

One of my favorite David Tyree cards is the 2008 Topps Chrome that features the greatest play in Super Bowl history and I have been chasing it and the parallels from it ever since I saw it.
Recently I was finally able to add to it when this X-Factor popped up for under $3. Most of the X-Factors are listed on eBay for $12 each so I let them sit there in hopes for a cheaper deal. My cheaper deal arrived and paid off.

This one now goes with the rest of these,




And all of them together right now,
Nice!! Right?

There are still plenty of parallels to chase of this card but once again I will wait for the actual deals before I would ever jump.

If you have one I don't, let's talk trade at

Thoughts on this chase and what play you consider the greatest play in Super Bowl history in comments below!


  1. That catch was awesome... and so is that refractor rainbow you have highlighting it.

    1. This is probably the end of this chase I would suspect


Giants fan or not, leave your thoughts below (unless you like the Cowboys....jk....or am I?)