Sunday, July 17, 2022

Eli's Cardboard:2006 Fleer Ultra Platinum Medallion

It has been a while since I have posted any of my new Eli Manning mail days and updated my Eli Manning PC numbers. Life has gotten in the way and when that happens, the hobby gets pushed aside.

Always remember, this is just a hobby. It's not life. Family always comes first.

Today's card I was hoping to finally publish on here since it was given to me, and I believe in a proper thank you.

@roroweber1 on Twitter has been posting his collection of mind-blowing cards, I am talking 90's rare cards such as a Brett Favre 1997 Fleer Metal Universe Green PMG, and I love to interact with him about them. One day he noticed I collected Eli Manning and threw today's beauty out there since it was a card he owned. I inquired about a trade, but I didn't have quite what he was looking for.

It didn't matter it seemed as he felt this card needed to be in my collection somehow, some way and sent it to me.
This is a 2006 Fleer Ultra Platinum Parallel /99.

It's the first Platinum Parallel I have of Eli in my collection and jumps into my Top 10 favorite Eli Manning cards easily.

Now, this card isn't as rare as the 90's Platinum were, but it's still not an easy one to find.

Thanks again to @roroweber1 for his incredible gift of kindness. If you are not following him yet on Twitter, do so. His collection is one of a kind I promise you that.

1 comment:

  1. Huge fan of Fleer Ultra hockey from that year, so it's cool to see a football one, especially an Eli Manning one. Cool addition to your collection. Go Big Blue!


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