Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Eli Countdown to 1.5K:1006 (my first Eli 1/1!)

This will be sweet and short...but here is my very first Eli Manning 1/1 and card #1006 in my Eli Manning collection... thanks to a trade with my buddy Shane from Cheap Wax Wednesday....

It's a printing plate, I know many don't care about those anymore but it's still my first 1/1 of Eli!!!

I couldn't find this one to add on TCDB, so any assistance with that would be welcomed.

Thanks again to my buddy Shane for the trade and for helping me add my very first one!


  1. Congrats on the plate! Nice of Shane to flip that to you. I should be able to get the four plate sets added to TCDb at some point today.

    1. Added here:

  2. Whoa! Who doesn't enjoy plates? Always enjoy pulling them [which is rare]. And a cool way to get a 1/1 for your Eli collection.


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