Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Rodney's Cardboard:2021 Panini XR Summitt Patch 1/1

Welcome back!

This is the final Rodney's Cardboard for now as I have no new incoming Rodney's. Finding a new Hampton is getting impossible, so maybe it's time I break out to other things and not just cards. I am still missing one Starting Lineup.

Today's Rodney is probably one of my favorites in my collection. A couple of years ago, Panini decided to include the first ever Rodney relic cards. Up until then, he didn't have a single one.

And now he has his first ever Patch Card along with his first ever Laundry Tag (still need).

But, here is that said Patch Card that is also a 1/1

This is another one of those Wes snags for me for a Christmas gift last year. It's a beautiful card, just wished it was game worn.

Thanks again to Wes!

Thoughts on my latest Rodney add welcomed in comments!

1 comment:

  1. Sweet patch! Wes strikes again. How the heck does he track down all of these rare cards?


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