Friday, November 17, 2023

Rodney's In 2023 Certified!

There it is. A new Hampton card for the first time in two years along with many parallels that I need to get my hands onto. This is the only one so far that has popped up on eBay, but nobody is going to pay the $20 the seller is asking for it.

Not even this Super Collector.

I just borrowed the image to have something to go by.

There are quite a few variations to go along with this Rodney including a always impossible to find 1/1.

Here is what I need,

Mirror Signatures Black1

Mirror Signatures Green5

Mirror Signatures Purple10

Mirror Signatures Gold15

Mirror Signatures Teal25

Mirror Signatures Blue30

Mirror Signatures Red35

Mirror Signatures Orange50

Mirror Signatures Pink75

Mirror Signatures Bronze99

Mirror Signatures199

I will continue to update this list and any of these I happen to pick up in the Rodney's Cardboard segment.

If any of you pull one or see any at shows, eBay, COMC, up for trade on TCDB, or anywhere else, please email me at and let's work out a trade!

I am excited for some new Rodney's, but also stressed about a few of them as well. The low numbered stuff is always hard to chase, but I am here for it.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you have some new Hampton autographs to collect. Best of luck in landing as many of these parallels as you can.


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