Thursday, December 14, 2023

Single Card Mail Day: 2012 Fleer Retro Metal Blue PMG

There is just something so catchy with Upper Deck's version of the Precious Metal Gem that it makes me happy.

Not as happy as owning an original one, but still pretty happy.

One of the cards I have been chasing down the most from Upper Deck's PMG's other than the Marvel ones, is the blue PMG of Ruben Randle from the 2012 Fleer Retro product, Randle's rookie year.

It has eluded me multiple times, but finally, finally, it landed into my hands.
Isn't it pretty???!

It's also numbered to 50.

So far, I have the red and now the blue PMG of Rueben. I am still in need of the Green. Not sure if there is another after that or not. I see two on eBay and the cheapest being $149. Way out of my range.

At least I have the two I wanted most, and this card will add to my already huge lead of Randle on TCDB.

1 comment:

  1. Nice. Still need to add a PMG to my collection. At this point, I'd be happy with any player... but it's that much cooler when it's a PC guy.


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