Wednesday, April 6, 2022

My First Full 90's Rainbow

In the 90's, we didn't have 35 parallels in any set compared to some of today's products. Even the chromed products had only a couple at most. 

When I was recently checking out Burbank Sportcards Beckett Marketplace, I ran into a product I didn't know had some many parallels.

1999 Playoff Prestige SSD was a product loaded with parallels for its time. There were five to chase overall and was probably the most parallels I have seen in a product since Pinnacle Certified.

The base card, which by the way looks spectacular as is, was not numbered.

But, all of the spectrum parallels were randomly inserted into packs and numbered to 500. 

Gold Spectrum

Green Spectrum

Red Spectrum

Purple Spectrum

Blue Spectrum

All of the cards look spectacular side by side. Graham was the only Giants player I could find on Burbank that had the entire run.

If you want to search Burbank for a rainbow like this for yourself, check out their Beckett Markeplace HERE and make sure you use the code 15Burbank to save yourself 15%!

Thoughts on this fun discovery is welcomed in comments and if you chased any 90's parallel rainbows?


  1. That's pretty cool. I probably did know, but not sure.

  2. Nice rainbow. I opened up this stuff back in the day, so I was familiar with the different colors.


Giants fan or not, leave your thoughts below (unless you like the Cowboys....jk....or am I?)