Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Taking As Many As I Can

Do you have a card that you don't care how many copies of it you get? Your answer would surprise me if you didn't.

Other than taking in as many copies of the 1990 Score and Topps Rodney Hampton rookie cards I can, I am quite fond of anything that features the NY Giants and Super Bowl 42.

Especially a photograph that depicts the greatest play in Super Bowl history.
The acrobatic helmet catch has got to be the greatest catch in the history of football. If you just think about some special team guy who rarely saw a ball thrown his way, go up against a guy who should be in the Hall Of Fame and being able to keep the ball caught against his helmet with that caliber type of player pulling all he can to strip the ball and finishing the catch. 

That's incredible.

Super Bowl 42 was incredible.

Give me as many cards like this you want. I won't turn any away.

Thanks for my latest one @ShaneSalmonson.

Let me know in comments any cards you have multiple copies of and why.

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