Saturday, February 3, 2024

Eli Countdown To 1K: 1K read the title right....I have officially reached 1,000 Eli Mannings!

And here is the card that got me there. I acquired this through a trade on Twitter as the guy surprisingly had one that I didn't. It's a cool card but not the one with bells and whistles I had hoped for to celebrate such a milestone. I tried to land an autograph for this one, but the guy was asking for too much in return over the value of Eli and to me, even though I wanted it and collect Eli, I am not giving up everything for a card.

This also marks the end of this segment, however, now it's the countdown to 1.5K Eli Mannings. I am still ranked #2 Eli Manning collector on TCDB and am 475 behind first. It's a mountain to climb, but hopefully I will get there and take my place at the top.

On to more and if you have any, even if it's base, just send me an email at Always up for a trade!


  1. Congrats on 1K! I have a few I should be able to send you soon too.

    1. Thanks Dennis! I have stuff to send back as well!

  2. Cannot go wrong with a beauty like that. Congrats on 1,000 Eli's!


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